More on Neuro Emotional Technique (NET)

More on Neuro Emotional Technique (NET)

I’ve been practicing Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) for over 10 years – it’s become second nature to me and for many of my clients!  That being said, it’s easy for me to forget sometimes that this technique can be one’s first introduction to stress relief therapy at the start of their personal development journey.  So I thought it would be great to write another blog post on the technique.  What is it? Wow does it work? Why would someone see an NET practitioner? And how it can complement your Chiropractic care.


Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) is a holistic approach to healthcare and emotional well-being that combines elements of traditional Chinese medicine, chiropractic care, applied kinesiology, and various psychological principles. Developed by Scott Walker in the 1980s, NET is designed to help individuals address and resolve emotional and physical stressors that may be impacting their health.

Here are some key aspects of Neuro Emotional Technique:

  1. Emotions and Health: NET is based on the premise that unresolved emotions and stress can contribute to physical health issues. It suggests that emotional imbalances can lead to disruptions in the body’s energy flow and can contribute to health problems.
  2. Physical Health: Emotional imbalances may contribute to physical health problems. By addressing these emotional factors, NET may help alleviate or improve certain physical symptoms or conditions that have an emotional component. For example, do you notice jaw or neck tension begin after a stressful day at work?  Or digestive discomfort when you have been worrying about something?  Clearly our stress can impact on our physical health, and if we don’t address the underlying trigger, the symptoms may reoccur.
  3. Muscle Testing: A fundamental aspect of NET involves muscle testing, which is a form of applied kinesiology. Practitioners use muscle testing to identify specific emotions or stressors that may be causing imbalances in the body’s energy systems.
  4. Emotional Release: Once a specific emotion or stressor is identified through muscle testing, the goal is to facilitate the release of that emotion. This is often done through a combination of verbal techniques, acupressure, and other chiropractic or holistic approaches. The idea is to help the individual process and let go of the emotional charge associated with the stressor.
  5. Integration: After an emotion or stressor has been addressed, NET aims to promote a more balanced and integrated state of well-being. This involves retesting the muscles to ensure that the emotional issue has been resolved and that the body’s energy systems are functioning optimally.
  6. Holistic Approach: NET takes a holistic approach to health, recognizing the interconnectedness of emotional, physical, and neurological aspects of well-being. It seeks to address the root causes of health problems rather than just managing symptoms.
  7. Certified Practitioners: NET is only taught to practitioners who hold a master’s degree or higher in the healing arts and are licensed or governed by a state or national organization that oversees their independent practice. Certified NET Practitioners have taken the time and effort to strive for excellence in becoming an expert in the practice of NET. Certified NET Practitioners maintain their NET-certified status by taking ongoing educational seminars and by following standards set forth by NET.
  8. Research:  For those of you who are interested in the science behind NET, there has been amazing research studies conducted by the ONE Research Foundation (including brain MRI results pre and post NET treatment).


Still have questions?  Feel free to get in touch via the website, I’d be happy to answer them.

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