How Anxiety Affects Children

How Anxiety Affects Children

Talking with parents within the clinic, I’m noticing more of them are commenting on the aftermath of the last few years on their children and the impact on their mental and emotional wellbeing.


Anxiety can have a significant impact on children’s overall wellbeing and development. Here are some ways in which anxiety can affect children:

1. Emotional Impact: Anxiety can cause intense and persistent feelings of fear, worry, and nervousness in children. They may experience frequent episodes of crying, irritability, restlessness, and difficulty in controlling their emotions. Children with anxiety may also have low self-esteem and a negative outlook on life.

2. Cognitive Impact: Anxiety can affect children’s cognitive abilities and academic performance. It can impair their concentration and memory, making it difficult for them to focus and retain information. Children with anxiety may also struggle with problem-solving and decision-making due to excessive worry and overthinking.

3. Social Impact: Anxiety can hinder children’s social interactions and relationships. They may have difficulty making friends, participating in group activities, or speaking in public due to fear of judgment or embarrassment. Social anxiety disorder, specifically, can lead to isolation and avoidance of social situations altogether.

4. Physical Symptoms: Anxiety can manifest in various physical symptoms in children, such as headaches, stomachaches, nausea, dizziness, muscle tension, and fatigue. These physical symptoms can be distressing and may lead to frequent school absences or limitations in participating in regular activities.

5. Sleep Problems: Anxiety often disrupts children’s sleep patterns, leading to difficulties falling asleep, frequent nightmares, restless sleep, or waking up frequently during the night. Sleep disturbances can further exacerbate their anxiety symptoms, making it a challenging cycle to break.

6. Academic Performance: Anxiety can impact children’s academic performance. They may experience difficulty concentrating, completing tasks, or taking tests due to anxiety-related thoughts and worries. Consequently, their grades and overall academic achievement may be negatively affected.


Often I can see children present with some of the above physical symptoms, yet they haven’t achieved long term relief from their chiropractic adjustments or other typical therapies.  This is where I may start to explore Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) with them to discover if stress may be the culprit to their physical complaint.


While many of us think we have consciously moved past the difficulties of the last few years, subconsciously the stress of it can stay within out bodies.  This is where NET can help uncover the stress we don’t realise may still be having an impact on us.

Many children struggled with being away from school – socially and academically, and “returning to normal” has taken a little longer than one would hope.  If you have noticed this or any of the above symptoms in your child, feel free to book in for a complementary 15 minute chat to discover if NET may be helpful for them.


It is essential to recognize and address anxiety in children promptly. Consulting with a mental health professional, or your preferred healthcare practitioner is essential to help guide you on the best way forward for you and your family.

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